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Moment In Time

Moment In Time

Regular price £350.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £350.00 GBP
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Medium used – original in liquid acrylic and gouache

Mounted Paper Print – size 64.5 x 71 cm with a limited print run of 250

Framed Print 64.5 x 71 cm with limited run of 250

Moment in Time

This print featured on the first series of BBC's Spring Watch in 2006. Joanna was invited to talk about her hare paintings and why the hare is so popular. This painting portrays a typical scene of hares boxing in Spring. We associate the hare with spring, the mad march hare however, hares box through all seasons, all year round. In this painting, Joanna wanted to dispel a myth. Usually it is assumed that two males are boxing, however, 90% of the time, it is a male and female boxing and the female is boxing off the unwanted advances of the male, until the dominant male or alpha male wins her over. Female hares are larger than the male, which is unusual with mammals as this is usually the other way round. The female in this painting is on the left hand side. The dandelion clock in the painting represents that split second in time an unbelievable moment if you are lucky enough to see them box. A dandelion clock in France is commonly known as an angel and if you see a dandelion seed pass you in a field, it is considered to be an angel passing and bringing you luck.

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